
Use of technology  in healthcare industry: The MedLM

MedLM is a Google Cloud family of big language models built exclusively for the healthcare industry. It is based on a text-based model created by Google Research dubbed Megatron-Turing NLG, which achieved human-expert level performance on USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) style questions.

 MedLM may be utilized to respond to medical professionals’ inquiries, provide draft summaries of existing medical records, and even assist in clinical research and medication development. It comes in two sizes: a big model for sophisticated tasks like conversation summarizing and drug search, and a medium model for adaptability across several activities.

 MedLM can answer medical professionals’ questions whether it’s about specific diagnoses, treatment alternatives, or medication interactions, It can deliver timely and reliable answers.

It may be used to produce individualized instructional materials for patients, assisting them in better understanding their diseases and treatments.

MedLM has the capacity to completely reshape the healthcare business. We may expect even more disruptive uses in the future as its development and exploration of potential continues.

 We are also  expecting to contribute more in the healtcare industry in future. 


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